The GlobalSource IT SAP S/4HANA Implementation Best Practices Guide

Set Yourself up For Success With Your S/4HANA Implementation

Protect your upcoming implementation by building safeguards before it even begins.

Our goal is to educate you by utilizing the knowledge of the independent consultant community with hands on S/4HANA experience.

What we hope is that you are further down the road — that you have more clarity.

What we know is that by following these best practices, your path to success will be greatly improved.

Clean your data!
68% of delayed projects are due in part to improper data cleansing
Map it out!
52% said not enough consideration is given to business processes
Find the right people!
85% of consultants said that companies are improperly staffed
Plan early and stick to it!
76% said scope creep is the biggest factor in missed go-live dates
Check your plugins!
85% believe third party app certification isn’t being considered enough
Take it in steps!
58% say that it’s best to use a rollout with 3 - 5 phases
While in-depth, we understand this research alone will not be enough to guide you through your implementation. To further assist, we've developed more resources to help your organization.

For more information on how you can help protect you implementation before it even starts, click the 'Safeguard Your S/4 Implementation' button below.